蘋果這項申請,最早是跟著首隻 iPhone 推出時,與專利申請一起在 2007 年間提交,只不過當時就曾被美國當局駁回,現在則是於上訴期間再度被拒。相關人士認為,「多點觸控」長期以來在不同的媒介上,被用來形容觸控螢幕的技術,除了 iOS 系統外,也被大量使用在 Android 作業系統的行動裝置。
蘋果申請的「多點觸控」專利,在今年 6 月間被美國專利商標局批准後,就曾被用來控告 Motorola、三星電子等大廠。但如今若蘋果想進一步為「多點觸控」取得「商標」權,依據目前局勢來看,除非蘋果提出更有力的說詞證據,不然這個「鐵板」應該會一直踢個沒完。
原文網址: 踢到大鐵板! 美國禁止蘋果獨佔多點觸控商標 | 3C新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網 http://www.nownews.com/2011/09/27/339-2745018.htm#ixzz1Z7bqcm2M
Apple Denied Trademark for Multi-Touch
In a decision handed down by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Apple has been denied an application for a trademark on Multi-Touch. Apple originally applied for the trademark on January 9, 2007, the day the iPhone was introduced.
A lawyer for the USPTO denied Apple's initial trademark application and the company appealed to the Appeal Board. The board upheld the initial refusal to grant the trademark.