

《人猿被人类当性奴!》 Shaved Orangutan Used As Sex Slave In Borneo!!!

印尼婆罗洲热带雨林的1个村落里,发生村民逼迫母人猿(Orang Utan)卖淫的事件。最后在手持AK-47步枪的警察营救下,这只人猿才被顺利救出。






《Shaved Orangutan Used As Sex Slave In Borneo》

an Orangutan in Borneo was rescued from a "prostitute village".

If a man approached her, she would place herself in some sort of sexual position. Pony was 6 or 7 years old when she was rescued, and prostitution had pretty much been her entire life. Initially, the madam of the brothel refused to surrender the animal because she was a big part of their income. Yes even with human options, most men came in, time after time, just to have sex with the orangutan.

Every time her rescue was attempted with the help of forest police and local officers, the rescuers would be overpowered by the villagers.

After a year a year, the rescuers decided to bring out the big guns (literally); 35 policemen equipped with AK-47s and other weaponry demanded Pony’s release, and finally succeeded. Because there is little law enforcement in Indonesia, everyone involved in this particularly terrible case of animal abuse didn’t face a sentence, or even a single charge.
